В топике Хобби я хочу поделиться своими мыслями о моих любимых занятиях в свободное время или хобби. Я думаю, что у каждого человека обязательно должно быть хобби, это так интересно! Например, у моей подруги есть коллекция кукол, которой она очень гордится. А я люблю читать, собирать дома из конструктора Лего и кататься на роликовых коньках. Мне нравятся мои хобби.
A hobby is something you like to do in your free time. Some people make something, grow plants or collect things. Collecting things is not the only hobby people have. A lot of people do sports in their free time. Some people are fond of traveling or gardening. Different people like doing different things.
My friend is fond of collecting dolls. She has got a very good collection and she is proud of it. This hobby is very popular with girls.
Collecting dolls is funny but expensive. I think it is really interesting. Her collection is thematic. Her theme is Brats dolls. She keeps her dolls in special bags and doll’s houses.
I spend a lot of time on my homework but in the evenings I have enough free time to do my hobby. My hobbies are reading, playing LEGO and roller skating. I like reading very much. I read interesting books, usually about magic.
I like to play LEGO. I have built a lot of houses from LEGO blocks and I like to do it.
I’m fond of roller skating. I can roller skate but I want to skate better. I’ve done skating for about 6 months. I’m proud that I could learn to roller skate so quickly.
I think that my hobbies are exciting!
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- Перевод слова skateSkate — скользить, кататься на коньках; скат Перевод слова Deep sea skate — глубоководный скат to skate a match — участвовать в конькобежном состязании to skate over smth. — упоминать о чем-л. вскользь Can you Skate? Ты умеешь кататься на коньках? We Skate at the park. Мы катаемся на роликах в парке. The bugs Skated ... Читать далее...
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