Alan: We have to find a Parking space. Let’s drive around the Block one more time. Did you say that the restaurant we’re going to has no Off-street parking at all?
Sasha: None. When I called the restaurant earlier today, I was told they have Ample street parking.
Alan: Obviously not on a Saturday night. Look, there’s a space!
Sasha: No, look at the Curb. That’s a Loading zone and the area in front of it is a Red zone.
Alan: This is impossible. We’ve driven along this street four times and there are no parking spaces, not even ones with meters. I’d be willing To plug the meter all evening if we could just find a space.
Sasha: I have an idea. Pull into that red zone.
Alan: Okay, but we can’t park here. What’s that?
Sasha: This is my grandfather’s Handicapped placard. I borrowed it. We can park here with this.
Alan: I don’t think so. We’re going to get a Parking ticket or worse, and we really shouldn’t be using your grandfather’s placard anyway.
Sasha: Do you know how many Strings I had to pull to get a reservation at the Hottest restaurant in town? Come on, let’s go. Why are you checking your wallet? Dinner is My treat.
Alan: I just want to make sure I have enough cash for a taxi when your car gets Towed!
Перевод слова feet.
Биография эйнштейна на английском языке.
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- Finding a Book at a BookstoreClerk: Can I help you find something? Adrian: Yes. Can you tell me where the Non-fiction Books are? Clerk: Are you looking for Hardbacks or Paperbacks? Adrian: I’m not sure. I think hardbacks. Clerk: Well, the non-fiction New releases are at the front of the store. The non-fiction section is behind the Fiction shelves on ... Читать далее...
- Диалог на английском языке с переводом «Космос (Space)»По-английски Перевод на русский Rachel: Phil, look. This TV program is about your favourite topic. Рэйчел: Фил, смотри. Эта телевизионная программа про твою любимую тему. Phil: You mean about space exploration? Фил: Ты имеешь в виду космические исследования? Rachel: Exactly. They’ve just told that one orbiter has reached the Jupiter. Рэйчел: Именно. Они только что ... Читать далее...
Finding a Parking Space