Composition on the Fable of M Twain — Сочинение по басне Марка Твена

The Moral of fables, found out by cat, each of us can understand in his own way. I understand its so: each person reflects any work of art, whether painting, music or something else through himself and as a result sees there what he is capable to see or what he wants to see. In general each of us can give the absolute estimation to any work of art, but herewith he is not able to know if he possesses necessary knowledge that this estimation to be done and if he is competent in this question.

In our fable each of beasts decided to show its initiative and tried to find the truth, having valued the picture by itself. Herewith noneof them did not know picture, including the cat, who told about it to the animals using sesquipedalian adjectives. Supposing they are going to see the image drawn by the cat, each of beasts has seen in mirror his own reflection. As a result there formed an invalid vision of the picture as a work of art, due to contributed prattle of everyone.

Interpreting any work of art, we «try» it on ourselves, addressing to our imagination. Due to this imagination we not always see this work of art in the same angle as his artist saw, or the other person since he, in turn, in the same way, either as we, reflects product through himself, through his imagination. Also we shall not even e feel that each of us perceive this product in his own way, and so the cat concluded: «You may not see your ears, but they will be there». Interesting is the fact that each of us thinks that exactly his estimation the most truthful, the most exact.

Each thinks that he is in greater degree correct, that his judgments isin greater degree equitable. And to be precise we should understand, that the true and equitable estimation to any work of art can give only that person, who really understands art and has special education to be really competent and not unfounded.

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Topic about my friends.

Composition on the Fable of M Twain — Сочинение по басне Марка Твена