Books in my life
В топике Книги в моей жизни я рассказываю, какую большую роль в нашей жизни играют книги, которые сопровождают нас с самого детства. Книги учат и помогают нам быть храбрыми, честными, добрыми, умными и щедрыми. Из книг мы узнаем, какими должны быть настоящие друзья. Все знают такие произведения, как “Алиса в Стране Чудес”, “Маугли” и серию сказочных повестей о Мэри Поппинс, но мне больше всего нравится книга “Приключения Тома Сойера” Марка Твена. Книги стоит читать, потому что они – наши самые добрые друзья.
A book is one of the greatest wonders of world. Why are so many people fond of reading? The world of books is full of wonders. You and characters of books can find yourselves in different countries and have a lot of adventures. The book is a faithful friend. They form our values and characters. We try to look like the characters of our favourite books: to be brave, honest, not to be silly and greedy, to be true friends. We enjoyed the beauty and wisdom of fairy-tales and fables when we were babies and Granny read them to us. They taught us to be kind, clever, hardworking, to understand other people and help them. They teach us to understand the beauty of nature, take care of it, to love our homeland.
Books have been with us since childhood. Who hasn’t read “Alice in the Wonderland”, “Mowgli”? Who hasn’t travelled with Marry Poppins to her imaginary world? Who hasn’t imagined himself to be Robinson Crusoe on the deserted island?
I have read a lot of interesting books, but my favourite book is “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” by Mark Twain. This well-known book is popular with children all over the world. The main character of the book is Tom Sawyer, who lived in a small town on the Mississippi River. He was a boy with a wild imagination. He and his friends often dreamed of different adventures. Tom was naughty, kind and brave. Besides, he was noble. I like this boy because he teaches us to be true friends.
If you are not fond of reading, take a book to your liking or borrow it in a library and read it. Books are worth reading. Really, they are our good friends.
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