Irma: Do you really think we’ll Be rescued? It’s been six hours and I’m Losing hope.
Bert: It’s hard to say. I’m sure Search and rescue teams are looking for us as we speak.
Irma: But what if they don’t come In time? We didn’t bring any Provisions and we’re almost out of water.
Bert: You’re afraid of Starvation and Dying of thirst? I think we’d die from Hypothermia or Exposure to the elements first.
Irma: Thanks. I hadn’t thought of that until you mentioned it. Hey, I think that’s the sound of a Helicopter.
Bert: You’re Hearing things. That’s not a helicopter.
Irma: I think I hear search and rescue dogs. I think they’re Onto our Scent!
Bert: I think you’re starting To hallucinate. I don’t hear anything.
Irma: Can’t you just Humor me? I’m trying To keep hope alive.
Bert: Oh, sure. Hey, I think I hear something.
Irma: You do?
Bert: Yeah, it’s Santa Claus on his Sleigh.
Talking about movies.
Упражнения предлоги времени в английском языке.
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Being Rescued