Erik: Why are you wearing that Getup?
Juliana: I’m trying To stay under the radar. I don’t want to create a Mob by going outside without a Disguise. People are going to Recognize me.
Erik: So? Are you trying to tell me that you think you’re Famous after being in one play?
Juliana: Of course! I’ve Had my name in lights and I have to expect people to know who I am. Losing my Privacy is the price of Fame. Everybody knows that.
Erik: I think you may be Overestimating the size of your Adoring public. How many people went to see your play?
Juliana: Enough. By tomorrow, the newspapers will have my picture Plastered across their pages and I will have to say good-bye to my Anonymity.
Erik: If the papers don’t come out until tomorrow, why are you going around Incognito?
Juliana: I’m just getting ready to meet my Fans.
Erik: Depending on whether the Reviews are good or bad, you may be famous – or Infamous.
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