Bad Manners at a Business Lunch

Yolanda: I will never invite George to another business lunch with Clients again!

Sunan: Why, what happened?

Yolanda: George has the worst Manners of anyone I know. First of all, he was ten minutes late. And as soon as he sat down, his cell phone rang and he answered it!

Sunan: Maybe it was an important call?

Yolanda: From his girlfriend? It was completely Unprofessional.

Sunan: I know George is a little Rough around the edges, but he’s not that bad.

Yolanda: You don’t think so? After I introduced him to the clients, he told them that he had been up late the Previous night, because one of our other account representatives didn’t finish her proposal and he had to complete it. Everyone knows not To air their company’s dirty laundry in public, especially in front of clients.

Sunan: Okay, that was a Blunder. Normally, George isn’t so Clueless. I wonder if he was Distracted.

Yolanda: I don’t buy that as an Excuse. And here’s the Kicker: He ordered two drinks during lunch! If that weren’t bad enough, when he ordered his second one, he jokingly thanked the clients for paying for lunch. Of course our company was Picking up the tab since we invited them! I was mortified.

Sunan: I’ll admit that that was bad, very bad. Are you going to have a talk with George?

Yolanda: I will as soon as I calm down a little. I’m Seeing red right now.

Sunan: Then waiting A little while is a good idea. I’d better go warn George…

Topic directions.
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Bad Manners at a Business Lunch