Перевод идиомы a new person, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: a new person Перевод: человек, который сильно изменился в лучшую сторону Пример: He is a new person now that he has quit smoking and drinking. После того, как он бросил пить и курить,

Значение идиомы hit the hay

[hit the hay] or [hit the sack] {v. phr.}, {slang} To go to bed. The men hit the hay early, in order to be out hunting at dawn. Louis was so tired that he

Перевод идиомы for all I care, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: for all I care Перевод: быть полностью безразличным в отношении чего-либо Пример: For all I care, you can spend all of your money today. Мне совсем без разницы, можешь потратить сегодня все свои

Значение идиомы in the lap of the gods

[in the lap of the gods] also [on the knees of the gods] {adv. phr.}, {literary} Beyond human control; not to be decided by anyone. Frank had worked hard as a candidate, and as

Значение идиомы jump on

[jump on] or [jump all over] or [land on] or [land all over] {v. phr.}, {informal} To scold; criticize; blame. Tom’s boss jumped allover Tom because he made a careless mistake. Janice landed onRobert

Значение идиомы leap year

[leap year] {n.} Every fourth year during which the month ofFebruary contains 29 rather than 28 days. During a leap year onemust wait a day longer for one’s February pay check.

Перевод идиомы set the table, значение выражения и пример использования

Идиома: set the table Перевод: накрывать на стол Пример: I set the table for my mother while she was cooking dinner. Я накрыл на стол для моей матери, пока она готовила ужин.

Значение идиомы set the world on fire

[set the world on fire] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do somethingoutstanding; act in a way that attracts much attention or makes youfamous. John works hard, but he will never set the world on fire.

Значение идиомы conversation piece

[conversation piece] {n.} Something that interests people and makes them talk about it; something that looks unusual, comical, or strange. Uncle Fred has a glass monkey on top of his piano that he keeps

Значение идиомы head-on

[head-on] {adj.} or {adv. phr.} 1. With the head or front pointingat; with the front facing; front end to front end. Our car skiddedinto a head-on crash with the truck. In the fog the
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