[pick a pocket] {v. phr.} To steal by removing from the pocket ofanother. While in the train, somebody picked his pocket and tookthe last dollar he had.
Идиома: in dribs and drabs Перевод: по крохам, по мелочам; маленькими порциями, по чуть-чуть Пример: Many came to the sale, but they arrived in dribs and drabs. Многие пришли на торги, но они прибывали
Идиома: play second fiddle (to someone or something) Перевод: играть вторую скрипку; играть на вторых ролях, занимать не важное положение Пример: The man has been playing second fiddle to his boss for many years
[ring out] {v.} To ring a special clock that records the time youleave work. Charles can’t leave early in his new job; he has toring out.
Идиома: off the beaten track / path Перевод: 1. вдали от больших дорог, уединенный; 2. отличающийся от общепринятого, малоизвестный, необычный Пример: Last night, we went to a small restaurant that was off the beaten
Идиома: run out of patience Перевод: иссякать (о терпении); стать раздраженным после того, как какое-то время быть терпеливым Пример: The mother has run out of patience with her son. Мать больше не могла быть
[find it in one’s heart] {v. phr.} To be able or willing because ofyour nature. He could not find it in his heart to tell her abouther mother’s death. Can you find it in
Идиома: have a soft spot for someone or something Перевод: питать слабость к чему-либо или кому-либо из-за чувства сильной привязанности Пример: He’s always had a soft spot for his youngest son. Он всегда испытывал
Идиома: in the near future Перевод: в ближайшем будущем Пример: In the near future I plan to move to a smaller apartment and try to save some money. В ближайшем будущем я собираюсь переехать
[spring a leak] {v. phr.} 1. To develop a hole through which water can enter, threatening the boat to sink. Whenour small boat sprang a leak, we rapidly returned to shore to fix it.