Значение идиомы lady’s man
[lady’s man] {n.} A man or boy who likes to be with women or girlsvery much and is popular with them. Charlie is quite a lady’s mannow.
[lady’s man] {n.} A man or boy who likes to be with women or girlsvery much and is popular with them. Charlie is quite a lady’s mannow.
[chalk up] {v.}, {informal} 1. To write down as part of a score; record. The scorekeeper chalked up one more point for the home team. 2. To make ; score. The team chalked up another victory. Bob chalked up a home run and two base hits in the game. Mary chalked up good grades this … Читать далее
[in reference to] or [with reference to] or [in regard to ] or[with regard to] {prep.} In connection with; from the standpoint of;concerning; regarding; about. I am writing with reference to yourlast letter. He spoke in reference to the Boy Scouts. I spoketo him with regard to his low marks. In regard to the testtomorrow, … Читать далее
[creep up on] {v.} 1. To crawl towards; move along near the ground; steal cautiously towards so as not to be seen or noticed. The mouse did not see the snake creeping up on it over the rocks. Indians were creeping up on the house through the bushes. 2. or [sneak up on] To come … Читать далее
[turn in] {v.} 1. or [hand in] To give to someone; deliver tosomeone. I want you to turn in a good history paper. When thefootball season was over, we turned in our uniforms. 2. To inform on;report. She turned them in to the police for breaking the streetlight. 3. To give in return for something. … Читать далее
[tighten the screws] {v. phr.} To try to make someone do somethingby making it more and more difficult not to do it; apply pressure. When many students still missed class after he began giving dailyquizzes, the teacher tightened the screws by failing anyone absentfour times.
[hand and foot] {adv. phr.} 1. So that the hands and feet cannot beused. — Used with «bind» or a synonym. The robbers bound him handand foot and left him on the floor. 2. So that no tree action ispossible. — Used with «bind» or a synonym. If Mr. Jones signs thatpaper, he will be … Читать далее
[so help me] {interj.}, {informal} I promise; I swear; may I bepunished if I lie. I’ve told you the truth, so help me. So helpme, there was nothing else I could do.
[burst at the seams] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be too full or too crowded. John ate so much he was bursting at the seams. Mary’s album was so full of pictures it was bursting at the seams.
[above all] {adv. phr.} Of first or highest importance; most especially. Children need many things, but above all they need love. Syn.: FIRST AND LAST.
[look up] {v.} 1. {informal} To improve in future chances; promisemore success. The first year was tough, but business looked upafter that. 2. To search for; hunt for information about; find. Itis a good habit to look up new words in a dictionary. 3. To seek andfind. While he was in Chicago, Henry looked up … Читать далее
[under one’s spell] {adv. phr.} Unable to resist one’s influence. From the first moment they saw each other, Peter was under Nancy’sspell.
[give someone his rights] or [read someone his rights] {v. phr.},{informal} 1. The act of advising arrested criminals that they havethe right to remain silent and that everything they say can be heldagainst them in a court of law; that they have the right to thepresence of an attorney during questioning and that if they … Читать далее
[to speak of] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Important; worth talkingabout; worth noticing. — Usually used in negative sentences. Did itrain yesterday? Not to speak of. What happened at the meeting? Nothing to speak of. Judy’s injuries were nothing to speak of;just a few scratches. Compare: NOT TO MENTION.
[first-string] {adj.}, {informal} 1. On the starting team or Ateam. He was the first-string quarterback. 2. Of the best quality;foremost. He was the least expensive of the city’s first-stringlawyers.
[out of one’s element] {adv. phr.} Outside of your naturalsurroundings; where you do not belong or fit in. Wild animals areout of their element in cages. Chris is out of his element insinging class. Compare: OUT OF PLACE, BEYOND ONE’S DEPTH. Contrast:IN ONE’S ELEMENT.
[coast is clear] No enemy or danger is in sight; there is no one to see you. When the teacher had disappeared around the corner, John said, «Come on, the coast is clear». The men knew when the night watchman would pass. When he had gone, and the coast was clear, they robbed the safe. … Читать далее
[daydream] {v.} To spend time in reverie; be absentminded during the day. John spends so much time daydreaming that he never gets anything done.
[follow suit] {v. phr.} 1. To play a card of the same color andkind that another player has put down. When diamonds were led, Ihad to follow suit. 2. To do as someone else has done; followsomeone’s example. When the others went swimming, I followed suit.
[air shuttle] {n.}, {informal} Air service for regular commuters operating between major cities at not too far a distance, e. g., between Boston and New York City; such flights operate without reservation on a frequent schedule. My dad takes the air shuttle from Boston to New York once a week.
[dress up] {v.} 1a. To put on best or special clothes. Billy hated being dressed up and took off his best suit as soon as he got home from church. 1b. To put on a costume for fun or clothes for a part in a play. Mary was dressed up to play Cinderella in her … Читать далее
[hands down] {adv.}, {informal} 1. Without working hard; easily. The Rangers won the game hands down. 2. Without question or doubt;without any opposition; plainly. Johnny was bands down the bestplayer on the team.
[one’s money’s worth] {n. phr.} A fair return on one’s money spentor invested. I wouldn’t say that the trip was a great bargain, butI feel that we got our money’s worth.
[mean business] {v. phr.}, {informal} To decide strongly to do whatyou plan to do; really mean it; be serious. The boss said he wouldfire us if we didn’t work harder and he means business. When shewent to college to study, she meant business. He just liked thecompany of the other girls he dated, but this … Читать далее
[go somebody one better] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do somethingbetter than ; do more or better than; beat. Bill’smother gave the boys in Bill’s club hot dogs for refreshments, soTom’s mother said that she would go her one better next time by givingthem hot dogs and ice cream. John made a good dive into the … Читать далее
[of sorts] or [of a sort] {adj. phr.} Not especially good; not verygood; of common quality. Joel was a magician of sorts, and popularat parties.
[check out] {v.} 1a. To pay your hotel bill and leave. The last guests checked out of their rooms in the morning. Contrast: CHECK IN. 1b. {informal} To go away; leave. I hoped our guest would stay but he had to check out before Monday. Compare: CHECK IN. 2a. To make a list or record … Читать далее
[pick up] {v.} 1. To take up; lift. During the morning Mrs. Carter picked up sticks in the yard. 2. {informal} To pay for someoneelse. After lunch, in the restaurant, Uncle Bob picked up thecheck. 3. To take on or away; receive; get. At the next corner thebus stopped and picked up three people. 4. … Читать далее
[in view] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In sight; visible. We camearound a bend and there was the ocean in view. 2. As a purpose, hope, or expectation. John had his son’s education in view when he beganto save money. The end that we must keep always in view is peacewith justice. Compare: EYE TO.
[let me see] or [let us see] {informal} 1. Let us find out bytrying or performing an action. Let me see if you can jump over thefence. 2. Give me time to think or remember. I can’t come today. Let me see. How about Friday? Let’s see. Where did I put the key?
[as good as] {adv. phr.} Nearly the same as; almost. She claimed that he as good as promised to marry her. He as good as called me a liar. We’ll get to school on time, we’re as good as there now. The man who had been shot was as good as dead. — Often used … Читать далее
[tied to one’s mother’s apron strings] Not independent of yourmother; not able to do anything without asking your mother. Evenafter he grew up he was still tied to his mother’s apron strings.
[corn ball] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. A superficially sentimental movie or musical in which the word «love» is mentioned too often; a theatrical performance that is trivially sentimental. That movie last night was a corn ball. 2. A person who behaves in a superficially sentimental manner or likes performances portraying such behavior. Suzie can’t stand … Читать далее
[while ago] {adv.} At a time several minutes in the past; a fewminutes ago; a short time ago. — Used with «a». I laid mv glasseson this table a while ago; and now they’re gone. A while ago, Marywas tired and wanted to go home; now she’s dancing with Bob as if shecould dance all … Читать далее
[cook up] {v.}, {informal} To plan and put together; make up; invent. The boys cooked up an excuse to explain their absence from school.
[through and through] {adv.} Completely; entirely; whole-heartedly. Bob was a ball player through and through. Mary was hurtthrough and through by Betty’s remarks. Compare: OUT-AND-OUT.
[running commentary] {n. phr.} A continual series of remarks. Mychiropractor gives me a running commentary on the health care debatewhile he is giving me a rubdown.
[in doubt] {adv. phr.} In the dark; having some question oruncertainty. When in doubt about any of the words you’re using, consult a good dictionary.
[up to par] or {informal} [up to scratch] or {informal} [up tosnuff] 1. In good or normal health or physical condition. I have acold and don’t feel up to par. The boxer is training for the fightbut he isn’t up to scratch yet. 2. or [up to the mark] As good asusual; up to the … Читать далее
[in one’s hair] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Bothering you again andagain; always annoying. Johnny got in Father’s hair when he wastrying to read the paper by running and shouting. The grown-upssent the children out to play so that the children wouldn’t be intheir hair while they were talking. Compare: GIVE A HARD TIME, INONE’S WAY. Contrast: … Читать далее
[bingo card] {n.}, {slang} A response card, bound into a periodical, containing numbers keyed to editorial or advertising matter, giving the reader the opportunity to send for further information by marking the numbers of the items he is interested in; such a card can be mailed free of charge. Jack thinks he is saving time … Читать далее
[glad rags] {n.}, {slang} Clothes worn to parties or on specialoccasions; best clothes. Mrs. Owens put on her glad rags for theparty. Compare: BEST BIB AND TUCKER.
[Dear John letter] {n. phr.} A note or a letter informing one that a romantic relationship or a marriage is over. Jane left a «Dear John letter» on the table and went home to live with her parents.
[baby boom] {n.} A sudden increase in the birth rate. The universities were filled to capacity due to the baby boom that followed World War II.