Значение идиомы to speak of

[to speak of] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Important; worth talkingabout; worth noticing. — Usually used in negative sentences. Did itrain yesterday? Not to speak of. What happened at the meeting? Nothing to speak of. Judy’s injuries were nothing to speak of;just a few scratches. Compare: NOT TO MENTION.

Значение идиомы air shuttle

[air shuttle] {n.}, {informal} Air service for regular commuters operating between major cities at not too far a distance, e. g., between Boston and New York City; such flights operate without reservation on a frequent schedule. My dad takes the air shuttle from Boston to New York once a week.

Значение идиомы in view

[in view] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. In sight; visible. We camearound a bend and there was the ocean in view. 2. As a purpose, hope, or expectation. John had his son’s education in view when he beganto save money. The end that we must keep always in view is peacewith justice. Compare: EYE TO.

Значение идиомы corn ball

[corn ball] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} 1. A superficially sentimental movie or musical in which the word «love» is mentioned too often; a theatrical performance that is trivially sentimental. That movie last night was a corn ball. 2. A person who behaves in a superficially sentimental manner or likes performances portraying such behavior. Suzie can’t stand … Читать далее