Advantages and disadvantages of TV – Преимущества и недостатки телевидения
TV has good and bad sides. First of all it keeps people informed, we can learn a lot of information watching TV. We can choose programs that appeal to us more, because TV provides programs for all interests. Sometimes we can relax, entertain ourselves when we are tired. Advertisement on TV gives us information about different products and it makes easier to choose things to buy. When we watch TV we learn about the world, famous people and global or recent news.
But TV has a lot of disadvantages. It takes a lot of time and it makes us lazy. And it’s very harmful for our health, expetially eyes. Some violent programs and films makes people violent. Violence become a vital problem. There is too much advertisement on TV. Sometimes it can encourage us to buy things we don’t need at all. Watching TV takes all free time from almost all people. We just watch it, not concentrate, and waste time.
In my opinion we need TV inspire of it’s disadvantages. People need something like information center. As for me I watch TV about one hour a day. I watch it when I want to learn news or relax and entertain myself. People need TV, but it can’t be the main thing in their life. It’s interesting, but not the main thing in our life.
I don’t really know what we must do to make TV better. I think we can do nothing. We just should not sit hour by hour watching TV. I think we must watch only the most important and interesting things. Because if we see everything we’ll become mad.
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