A golfer hit his drive on the first hole 300 yards right down the middle.
When it came down, however, it hit a sprinkler and the ball went sideways into the woods. He was angry, but he went into the woods and hit a very hard 2 iron which hit a tree and bounced back straight at him.
It hit him in the temple and killed him.
He was at the Pearly Gates and St. Peter looked at the big book and said, «I see you were a golfer, is that correct?»
«Yes, I am,» he replied.
St Peter then said, «Do you hit the ball a long way?»
The golfer replied, «You bet. After all, I got here in 2, didn’t I?»
Sights of london перевод.
Рассказ о музее на английском 3 класс.
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A golfer hit his drive on the first hole