A blonde decided that she was tired of her empty life. She cut her hair and dyed it brown, and set off for a drive. She wanted to do random acts of kindness to see if it would change her life.
While driving through the countryside, she came across a farmer who was trying to get his sheep across the road. She stopped her car and waved the farmer across, thinking this would be her first good deed.
After the sheep had all crossed, the blonde said to the farmer, «your sheep are so cute. If I guess how many there are, could I have one.»
The farmer thought it impossible and told the blonde it was okay.
«637», said the blonde.
The farmer was amazed that the blonde had guessed the exact number, but lived up to his bargain.
«I’ll take that feisty one over there», said the blonde.
Then the farmer said to the blonde, «Okay, now if I guess the real color of your hair, can I have my dog back?
Перевод слова example.
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A blonde decided that she was tired of her empty life