9000 самых употребляемых английских слов. Список 9000 английских слов

Strode -29
stroke -123
stroking -10
stroll -71
strolling -13
strong -484
stronger -115
strongest -31
strongly -55
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struck -469
structure -79
struggle -202
struggling -80
strung -25
stub -20
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stubborn -18
stuck -204
stud -30
student -140
studio -105
study -365
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stuff -545
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stung -19
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stunt -10
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stupidly -19
sturdy -16
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stuttering -57
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subconscious -30
subdued -21
subject -368
submerged -14
submission -13
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subsequent -23
subside -19
substance -32
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subway -11
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sun -594
sunburn -18
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sunflower -29
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sunk -38
sunken -29
Sunlight -83
sunlit -13
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sunroom -10
sunset -129
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super -52
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zion -11
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zone -79
zoo -33
zoom -22

1 Star2 Stars3 Stars4 Stars5 Stars (1 оценок, среднее: 5.00 из 5)

9000 самых употребляемых английских слов. Список 9000 английских слов