3 pregnant women were waiting in the doctor’s waiting room for an antenatal check-up and were all knitting garments for there respective babies. Suddnely the first expectant mother stops knitting, checks her watch, pulls a bottle of pills from her handbag and takes one… «What was that?», the other two ask, curiously. «Calcium tablet. Good for mommy, good for little baby», she replies, patting her stomach affectionately. Satisfied, all 3 continue with their knitting… 5 minutes later, the second one stops knitting, checks her watch, takes a bottle of pills from her handbag and takes one.. «What was that?», the other two enquire «Vitamin tablet», she replies, «Good for mommy, good for little baby» and she pats her stomach affectionately. All 3 smile and continue busily with their knitting… 5 minutes later, the last woman stops knitting, checks her watch, takes a bottle of pills from her handbag and takes one.. «What was that?» ask the other two.. «Thalidomide. I can’t knit sleeves…»
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3 pregnant women were waiting