[weigh in] {v.} 1a. To take the weight of; weigh.
The man at theairport counter weighed in our bags and took our plane tickets.
Adoctor weighed in the wrestlers.
1b. To have yourself or somethingthat you own weighed. — Often used with «at».
I weighed in at 100pounds on the scale today.
We took our bags to the airport counterto weigh in.
1c. To have yourself weighed as a boxer or wrestler by adoctor before a match. — Often used with «at».
The champion didn’twant to weigh in at more than 160 pounds.
2. {slang} To join orinterfere in a fight, argument, or discussion.
We told Jack that ifwe wanted him to weigh in with his opinion we would ask him.
Compare:TAKE PART.
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Значение идиомы weigh in