[vote a straight ticket] {v. phr.} To not differentiate one’sballot according to individual names and posts, but to vote for allcandidates for all positions of the same party.
«I never havetime. to study the ballot in detail,» Marie said, «and so I tend tovote a straight Republican ticket.»
Means of communication.
My future career.
Related topics:
- Значение идиомы straight ticket[straight ticket] {n.} A vote for all the candidates of a singleparty. Uncle Fred was a loyal member of his party. He always votedthe straight ticket. Contrast: SPLIT TICKET....
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- Purchasing and Using an E-TicketI thought I would save time by purchasing my airline ticket online and Checking in at the airport with my E-ticket. I Went onto the McQ Air website and selected my flights. The Screen then Prompted me to pay with a credit card. After I typed in my payment information, I got a Confirmation receipt ... Читать далее...
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- Диалог на английском языке с переводом «Между кассиром и пассажиром (Between Ticket Agent And Passenger)»По-английски Перевод на русский I I Ticket Agent: Yes, sir? Кассир: Слушаю вас, сэр? Passenger: I’d a like a two-way ticket to London, please. Пассажир: Я хотел бы билет до Лондона туда и обратно, пожалуйста. Ticket Agent: Which date and time? Кассир: На какую дату и время? Passenger: Tomorrow morning, please. Пассажир: Завтра утром, пожалуйста. ... Читать далее...
- A story with a moralWhile they were taking up the collection, John leaned forward and said, «Hey, Marie, how about you and me go to dinner next Friday?» «Why Yes, John, that would be nice,» said Marie. Well, John couldn’t believe his luck. All week long he polished up his car, and on Friday he picked up Marie and ... Читать далее...
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- Fighting a Parking TicketMindy: Hey, where are you going? Eric: I’m going to Traffic court. I got a parking Ticket and I’m going to Fight it. Mindy: How much was the Fine? Eric: It was Only $40. But it’s not the money, it’s the Principle of the thing. Mindy: Why? Weren’t you parked Illegally? Eric: No, I wasn‚Aot. ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы in detail, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: in detail Перевод: детально, подробно, обстоятельно Пример: I told the police about the events in detail. Я подробно рассказал полиции о случившемся. I explained how to fix the computer in detail. Я детально объяснил, как починить компьютер....
- Перевод слова detailDetail — подробность, деталь; подробно рассказывать Перевод слова In every detail, in the fullest detail — во всех подробностях to detail all the facts — обстоятельно изложить все факты revolting detail — отвратительная, отталкивающая подробность Don’t pass any Detail over. Не упусти ни одной детали. It was perfect in all Details. Она была совершенна во ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы show of hands[show of hands] {n. phr.} An open vote during a meeting when thosewho vote «yes» and those who vote «no» hold up their hands to becounted. The chairman said, «I’d like to see a show of hands ifwe’re ready for the vote.»...
- Exterior Parts of a CarEthan: You missed a spot. Marie: Hold on. When we made our bet for the loser to wash the winner’s car, it didn’t include the other person being there and being a Pain in the neck. Ethan: I’m just here to make sure everything gets washed properly, from the Hood to the Taillights. Marie: Don’t ... Читать далее...
- Arnold and his wife were cleaning out the attic one dayArnold and his wife were cleaning out the attic one day when he came across a ticket from the local shoe repair shop. The date stamped on the ticket showed that it was over eleven years old. They both laughed and tried to remember which of them might have forgotten to pick up a pair ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы vote a straight ticket