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Значение идиомы very well
[very well] {interj.}, {formal} Agreed; all right. – Used to showagreement or approval.
Very well. You may go.
Very well, I willdo as you say.
Compare: ALL RIGHT.
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- Значение идиомы you don’t say[you don’t say] {interj.}, {informal} – Used to show surprise atwhat is said. Your ring is a real diamond? You don’t say! “Billand Jean are going to get married.” “You don’t say!” Syn.: DO TELL....
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- Значение идиомы yoo-hoo[yoo-hoo] {interj.} – Used as an informal call or shout to a personto attract his attention. Louise opened the door and called”Yoo-hoo, Mother – are you home?” See: ALL RIGHT FOR YOU, I’M TELLINGYOU, SAYS WHO or SAYS YOU, THAT’S — FOR YOU, WHAT HAVE YOU....
- Значение идиомы show up[show up] {v.} 1. To make known the real truth about. The man said he was a mind reader, but he was shown up as a fake. 2.To come or bring out; become or make easy to see. The detective puta chemical on the paper, and the fingertips showed up. This testshows up your weaknesses […]...
- Значение идиомы tut-tut[tut-tut] {interj.}, {informal} Used to express mild disapproval. “Tut-tut,” said the teacher. “You shouldn’t cross the street withoutlooking.” Tut-tut, put that piece of candy back. You’ve alreadyhad three pieces....