[to the kings taste] or [to the queen’s taste] {adv. phr.}Perfectly; just as anyone could want it; very satisfactorily.
Therooms in her new home were painted and decorated to the queen’staste.
The soldiers dressed and marched to the king’s taste.
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- My native town (Tomsk)В топике Мой родной город Томск – я рассказываю о древнем и красивом городе, в котором я родился, и который я очень люблю. Томск – студенческий город, в нем много университетов и институтов, много памятников и ярких цветов. У каждого человека есть родной город и неважно, большой он или маленький. I live in Tomsk. It ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы as you please[as you please] 1. As you like, whatever you like or prefer; as you choose. You may do as you please. 2. {informal} Very. — Used after an adjective or adverb often preceded by «as». There was Tinker, sitting there, cheerful as you please. She was dressed for the dance and she looked as pretty ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы lay waste[lay waste] {v. phr.}, {literary} To cause wide and great damageto; destroy and leave in ruins; wreck. Enemy soldiers laid wastethe land....
Значение идиомы to the kings taste