[time out] {n. phr.} Time during which a game, a lecture, adiscussion or other activity is stopped for a while for some extraquestions or informal discussion, or some other reason.
He took atime out from studying to go to a movie.
The player called timeout so he could tie his shoe.
«Time out!» — The students said,»Could you explain that again?»
Topic winter.
Many more перевод идиомы.
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- Значение идиомы where the shoe pinches[where the shoe pinches] {n. phr.}, {informal} Where or what thediscomfort or trouble is. Johnny thinks the job is easy, but hewill find out where the shoe pinches when he tries it. The coachsaid he wasn’t worried about any position except quarterback; that waswhere the shoe pinched....
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Значение идиомы time out