[the ropes] {n. plural}, {informal} Thorough or special knowledgeof a job; how to do something; the ways of people or the world.
Ona newspaper a cub reporter learns his job from an older reporter whoknows the ropes.
When you go to a new school it takes a while tolearn the ropes.
Betty showed Jane the ropes when she was learningto make a dress.
Mr. Jones was an orphan and he had to learn theropes when he was young to make his way in the world.
School uniform.
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- Значение идиомы whip up[whip up] {v.}, {informal} 1. To make or do quickly or easily. Mary whipped up a lunch for the picnic. The reporter whipped up astory about the fire for his paper. 2. To make active; stir toaction; excite. The girls are trying to whip up interest for adance Saturday night. Compare: STIR UP, WHOOP IT ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы the ropes