[take one’s medicine] {v. phr.} To accept punishment withoutcomplaining.
The boy said he was sorry he broke the window and wasready to take his medicine.
About my autumn holiday.
Вашингтон достопримечательности на английском.
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- Перевод слова brokeBroke — безнадежный, бедный Перевод слова To go broke — разориться, обанкротиться stony broke — полностью разоренный the horse broke its leg — лошадь сломала ногу Her car Broke down. Ее машина сломалась. The bank Broke. Банк разорился. Both plans Broke down. Оба плана провалились....
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- Значение идиомы let sleeping dogs lie[let sleeping dogs lie] Do not make angry and causetrouble or danger; do not make trouble if you do not have to. — Aproverb. Don’t tell Father that you broke the window. Let sleepingdogs lie....
- Значение идиомы haul in[haul in] or [haul up] or [pull in] {v.}, {slang} To bring beforesomeone in charge for punishment or questioning; arrest. John washauled in to court for speeding. The tramp was hauled up forsleeping on the sidewalk. Compare: CALL ON THE CARPET....
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- Значение идиомы put up with[put up with] {v.} To accept patiently; bear. We had to put upwith Jim’s poor table manners because he refused to change. Themother told her children, «I refuse to put up with your tracking inmud!» Compare: STAND FOR....
Значение идиомы take one’s medicine