[take on faith] {v. phr.} To lend credence to something due toone’s confidence in the source, rather than based on evidence.
Oneshould never take on faith what one hears about Washington politics.
Что я делаю в свободное время на английском.
Famous people of great britain.
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- Значение идиомы on faith[on faith] {adv. phr.} Without question or proof. He said he wastwenty-one years old and the employment agency took him on faith. He looked so honest that we accepted his story on faith....
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- Значение идиомы good faith[good faith] {n.} 1. Belief in another person’s honesty; trust. Uncle Dick let me have the keys to his candy store to show his goodfaith. — Often used in the phrase «in good faith». The teacheraccepted Bob’s excuse for being late in good faith. 2. Honesty ofpurpose; trustworthiness. John agreed to buy Ted’s bicycle for ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы how about[how about] or [what about] {interrog.} — Used to ask for adecision, action, opinion, or explanation. 1. Will you have or agreeon? How about another piece of pie? What about a game oftennis? How about going to the dance with me Saturday? 2. Willyou lend or give me? How about five dollars until Friday? Whatabout ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы lend oneself to[lend oneself to] {v. phr.} To give help or approval to; encourage;assist. Alice wouldn’t lend herself to the plot to hide theteacher’s chalk....
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- Значение идиомы play politics[play politics] {v. phr.} To make secret agreements for your owngain; handle different groups for your own advantage. In order toget elected, he had to play politics with both the unions and thebosses. Mary always gets what she wants by playing officepolitics....
- Значение идиомы lend a hand[lend a hand] or [give a hand] also [bear a hand] {v. phr.} To givehelp; make yourself useful; help. The stage manager asked some ofthe boys to lend a hand with the scenery. Dick saw a woman with aflat tire and offered to give her a hand with it. Compare: LIFT AFINGER....
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- Making Verbal MistakesOmar: Ha ha. Faith: What’s so funny? Omar: I’m editing Paul’s speech so that it can be posted on our website, but I didn’t realize how many Verbal mistakes he made. Faith: Were there a lot? Omar: Yeah, he Mispronounced the last name of the manager in charge of new products, for one. He also ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы nothing doing[nothing doing] {adv. phr.}, {informal} I will not do it; certainlynot; no indeed; no. «Will you lend me a dollar?» «Nothing doing!» «Let’s go for a boat ride!» «Nothing doing!» Compare: NO DEAL....
- Значение идиомы believe one’s ears[believe one’s ears] {v. phr.} 1. To believe what one hears; trust one’s hearing. — Used with a negative or limiter, or in an interrogative or conditional sentence. He thought he heard a horn blowing in the distance, but he could not believe his ears. 2. To be made sure of. Is he really coming? ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы leak to[leak to] {v. phr.} To purposely let a secret be known, as ifconveying it in the strictest confidence. The movie star’s secretdivorce was leaked to the tabloids by her housekeeper....
- Значение идиомы that’ll be the day[that’ll be the day] {informal} That will never happen. Joewanted me to lend him money to take my girl to the movies. That’ll bethe day! «Wouldn’t it be nice if we had to go to school only oneday a week?» «That’ll be the day!»...
- Значение идиомы lay down one’s life[lay down one’s life] {v. phr.} To sacrifice one’s life for a causeor person; suffer martyrdom. The early Christians often laid downtheir lives for their faith....
- Значение идиомы hang in[hang in ] {v. phr.}, {slang}, {informal} To persevere; notto give up; to stick to a project and not lose faith or courage. Hang in there old buddy; the worst is yet to come....
- Значение идиомы six bits[six bits] {n.}, {slang} Seventy-five cents. «Lend me six bitstill Friday, Sam,» said Jim. «I’ve spent all my allowance.» Compare:TWO BITS....
- Значение идиомы play one false[play one false] {v. phr.}, {literary} To act disloyally toward ; betray; cheat; deceive. Good faith was not in him: heplayed anyone false who trusted him. His hopes had played himfalse....
- Значение идиомы give an ear to[give an ear to] or [lend an ear to] {v. phr.}, {literary} Tolisten to. Children should give an ear to their parents’ advice. The king lent an ear to the complaints of his people....
- Значение идиомы possessed of[possessed of] {adj. phr.}, {formal} In possession of; having;owning. He was possessed of great wealth. He was possessed ofgreat self-confidence....
- Значение идиомы take stock in[take stock in] {v. phr.}, {informal} To have faith in; trust;believe. — Usually used in the negative. He took no stock in theidea that women were better cooks than men. They took little or nostock in the boy’s story that he had lost the money. Do you takeany stock in the gossip about Joan?...
- Значение идиомы beat the rap[beat the rap] {v. phr.} To escape the legal penalty one ought to receive. In spite of the strong evidence against him, the prisoner beat the rap and went free....
- Значение идиомы on condition that[on condition that] {conj.} Providing that; if. I will lend youthe money on condition that you pay it back in one month. Sheagreed to act in the play on condition that she could keep hercostumes....
- Значение идиомы lay aside[lay aside] {v. phr.} 1. To put off until another time; interruptan activity. The president laid aside politics to turn to foreignaffairs. 2. To save. They tried to lay aside a little money eachweek for their vacation....
- Значение идиомы hard up[hard up] {adj.}, {informal} Without enough money or some otherneeded thing. Dick was hard up and asked Lou to lend him a dollar. The campers were hard up for water because their well had run dry. Compare: UP AGAINST IT....
- Значение идиомы on the strength of[on the strength of] {prep.} With faith or trust in; dependingupon; with the support of. On the strength of Jim’s promise toguide us, we decided to climb the mountain. Bill started arestaurant on the strength of his experience as a cook in the army....
Значение идиомы take on faith