[stage whisper] {n. phr.} A loud whisper intended to reach otherears than those of the person addressed.
Some jokes should betold in a stage whisper.
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- Ice fishingThis guy goes ice fishing, takes out an auger and starts drilling. LOUD VOICE FROM ABOVE: There’s no fish there. Guy goes to another spot and drills. LOUD VOICE FROM ABOVE: There’s no fish there, either. Guy tries a third spot. LOUD VOICE FROM ABOVE: Nope. Not there either. Guy, getting a little nervous: «Are ... Читать далее...
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- Southerners are not that stupidA ventriloquist working down South, is confronted by a theater patron during his show. The hick stands up and yells, «HEY YOU! ON STAGE! You been making smart-ass remarks about us southerners being stupid all night long! We’re not all stupid ya know!» «Relax,» said the ventriloquist, «They’re just jokes!» «Shut up, buddy,» the hick ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы stage whisper