[spoil for] {v. phr.} To want something very badly; be belligerentor pugnacious about something.
After a few drinks it becameembarrassingly evident that Hal was spoiling for a fight.
Мое любимое блюдо на английском языке.
Sport in our life.
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- Значение идиомы pass out[pass out] {v.}, {informal} 1. To lose consciousness; faint. Shewent back to work while she was still sick, and finally she justpassed out. Compare: GIVE OUT. 2. or {slang} [pass out cold] Todrop into a drunken stupor; become unconscious from drink. Afterthree drinks, the man passed out. 3. To die. Life came and wentweakly in ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы fight off[fight off] {v. phr.} 1. To struggle against someone so as to freeoneself; push an attacker back. Suzy fought off her two attackersin Central Park with a couple of karate chops. 2. To strive toovercome something negative. After twelve hours at the computerterminal, Jane had to fight off her overwhelming desire to go tosleep....
- Значение идиомы black eye[black eye] {n.} 1. A dark area around one’s eye due to a hard blow during a fight, such as boxing. Mike Tyson sported a black eye after the big fight. 2. Discredit. Bob’s illegal actions will give a black eye to the popular movement he started....
- Значение идиомы butt in[butt in] {v.}, {slang} To join in with what other people are doing without asking or being asked; interfere in other people’s business; meddle. Mary was explaining to Jane how to knit a sweater when Barbara butted in. Often used with «on». John butted in on Bill and Tom’s fight, and got hurt. Compare: HORN ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы at the drop of a hat[at the drop of a hat] {adv. phr.}, {informal} 1. Without waiting; immediately; promptly. If you need a babysitter quickly, call Mary, because she can come at the drop of a hat. Compare: ON THE SPUR OF THE MOMENT. 2. Whenever you have a chance; with very little cause or urging. At the drop of ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы stand up for[stand up for] or {informal} [stick up for] {v.} To defend againstattack; fight for. John always stands up for his rights. WhenMary was being criticized, Jane stuck up for her. Compare: BACK UP, GO TO BAT FOR, STAND BY, STAND ONE’S GROUND, STICK TO ONE’S GUNS, GOTO BAT FOR....
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Значение идиомы spoil for