[shoulder to shoulder] {adv. phr.} 1. One beside the other;together.
The three boys were shoulder to shoulder all during theworking hours.
Compare: SIDE BY SIDE. 2. Each helping the other; inagreement; together. — Often used with «stand».
We can win thefight if we all stand shoulder to shoulder.
Compare: SEE EYE TO EYE.
My worst holiday.
Полезная и не полезная еда на английском.
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- Значение идиомы on one’s good side[on one’s good side] or [on the good side of one] {adj. phr.},{informal} Friendly with someone; liked by a person. John thoughtthat he would get a good grade if he got on the good side of theteacher. Successful workers stay on the good side of theirbosses. Contrast: ON ONE’S BAD SIDE....
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Значение идиомы shoulder to shoulder