[short-order cook] {n.} A person who prepares food that cooksquickly.
Bruce found a summer job as a short-order cook in adrive-in restaurant.
The new diner needs another short-ordercook.
Compare: SLING HASH.
Интернет в моей семье.
Класс моей мечты.
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- Ordering Food DeliveryOrder clerk: Hello, Torino’s Restaurant. Nancy: Hello, I’d like To place a Delivery order. Order clerk: Can I have your address and the Major cross streets, please? Nancy: It’s 1212 Main Street, and the nearest cross streets are Speedway and Highland. Order clerk: Okay, it looks like you’re in our Delivery area. What would you ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы caught short[caught short] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Not having enough of something when you need it. Mrs. Ford was caught short when the newspaper boy came for his money a day early. The man was caught short of clothes when he had to go on a trip....
- Значение идиомы in the short run[in the short run] {adv. phr.} In the immediate future. We areleasing a car in the short run; later we might buy one. Contrast: INTHE LONG RUN....
- Перевод слова orderOrder — очередность, порядок; приказ, заказ Перевод слова Body of the order — основной текст приказа to order a brandy — заказать стакан бренди established order — установленный порядок the anticipated order of the events — предполагаемая последовательность событий Everything is in Order. Все в порядке. The Order came by mail. Заказ пришел по почте. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы pecking order[pecking order] {n.} The way people are ranked in relation to eachother ; status classification;hierarchy. After the president was in office several months, hisstaff developed a pecking order....
- Перевод слова shortShort — короткий, низкий, краткий; внезапно Перевод слова Short hair — короткие волосы a short man — человек низкого роста short memory — короткая память to turn round short — резко обернуться We are Short of cash. У нас не хватает наличных. He’s Short, as jockeys go. Он довольно низкого роста, как и все жокеи. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы cook one’s goose[cook one’s goose] {v. phr.}, {slang} To ruin someone hopelessly; destroy one’s future expectations or good name. The bank treasurer cooked his own goose when he stole the bank’s funds. She cooked John’s goose by reporting what she knew to the police. The dishonest official knew his goose was cooked when the newspapers printed the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы in short supply[in short supply] {adj. phr.} Not enough; in too small a quantityor amount; in less than the amount or number needed. The cookiesare in short supply, so don’t eat them all up. We have five peopleand only four beds, so the beds are in short supply....
- Значение идиомы fall short[fall short] {v.} To fail to reach ; not succeed. Hisjump fell three inches short of the world record. The movie fellshort of expectations. Contrast: MEASURE UP....
Значение идиомы short-order cook