[same here] {informal} And it is the same with me; and the same forme. — Used only in speech.
Mary ordered an ice cream soda, and Jillsaid, «Same here.»
Tom said he was too tired to run any further, and Bill said, «Same here.»
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- Значение идиомы soda jerk[soda jerk] or [soda jerker] {n.}, {informal} A person who servessoda and ice cream to customers, usually in a drug store or ice creamparlor. Bob worked as a soda jerk at the drug store all summer. He is just a soda jerker with no future....
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- Значение идиомы steamed up[steamed up] {adj.}, {informal} Excited or angry about or eager todo something. The coach gave the team a pep talk before the game, and he got them all steamed up to win the game. When Mary foundout that Jane had not kept their secret, she became all steamed up. Bill was all steamed up about ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы stamping ground[stamping ground] {n.}, {informal} A place where a person spendsmuch of his time. Pete’s soda fountain is an afterschool stampingground. When John returned to his hometown many years later, hevisited all of his old stamping grounds....
- Значение идиомы get around[get around] {v.} 1a. To go to different places; move about. Mary’s father really gets around; Monday he was in Washington;Wednesday he was in Chicago; and today he is in New York. Fredbroke his leg, but he is able to get about on crutches. 1b. or [getabout] To become widely known especially by being talked ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы draw out[draw out] {v. phr.} 1. To take out; remove. Johnny drew a dollar out of the bank to buy his mother a present. The hunter drew out his gun and shot the snake. 2. To make talk or tell something. Jimmy was bashful but Mrs. Wilson drew him out by asking him about baseball. 3. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы throw together[throw together] {v.} 1. also [slap together] To make in a hurryand without care. Bill and Bob threw together a cabin out of oldlumber. The party was planned suddenly, and Mary threw together ameal out of leftovers. 2. To put in with other people by chance. The group of strangers was thrown together when the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы all the way[all the way] or [the whole way] {adv. phr.} 1. From start to finish during the whole distance or time. Jack climbed all the way to the top of the tree. Joe has played the whole way in the football game and it’s almost over. 2. In complete agreement; with complete willingness to satisfy. — ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы clean bill of health[clean bill of health] {n. phr.} 1. A certificate that a person or animal has no infectious disease. The government doctor gave Jones a clean bill of health when he entered the country. 2. {informal} A report that a person is free of guilt or fault. The stranger was suspected in the bank robbery, but ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы split the difference[split the difference] {v. phr.}, {informal} To settle a moneydisagreement by dividing the difference, each person giving up half. Bob offered $25 for Bill’s bicycle and Bill wanted $35; they splitthe difference....
- Значение идиомы all the time[all the time] {adv. phr.} 1. or [all the while] During the whole period; through the whole time. Mary went to college in her home town and lived at home all the while. Most of us were surprised to hear that Mary and Tom had been engaged all year, but Sue said she knew it ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы go along[go along] {v.} 1. To move along; continue. Uncle Bill made upthe story as he went along. Compare: GO ON. 2. To go together oras company; go for fun. — Often used with «with». Mary went alongwith us to Jane’s house. John just went along for the ride to theball game. He didn’t want to ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы it’s a deal[it’s a deal] {informal sentence} Consider it done; OK; it isagreed. «How much for this used car?» Bill asked. «Two thousand,»the man answered. «I’ll give $1,500,» Bill said. «It’s a deal!» theowner answered as they sealed the transaction....
- Значение идиомы vanishing cream[vanishing cream] {n.} A cosmetic cream for the skin that is usedchiefly before face powder. Mrs. Jones spread vanishing cream onher face before applying her face powder....
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