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Значение идиомы right away
[right away] or {informal} [right off] also {informal} [right offthe bat] {adv. phr.} Immediately; as the next thing in order; withoutdelay.
Phil’s mother told him to do his homework right away so thathe could enjoy the weekend.
The Red Cross aids disaster victimsright away.
Jill knew the answer right off.
The teacher saidhe could not think of the title of the book right off the bat.
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- Значение идиомы read one like a book[read one like a book] {v. phr.}, {informal} To understand someonecompletely; know what he will think or do at any time. John’sgirlfriend could read him like a book. Compare: READ ONE’S MIND....
- Значение идиомы cross-check[cross-check ] {v.} To test the truth of by examining in different ways or by seeing different reports about. If you see something in a book that may not be true, be sure to cross-check it in other books....
- Значение идиомы bring to pass[bring to pass] {v. phr.}, {informal} To make happen; succeed in causing. By much planning, the mother brought the marriage to pass. The change in the law was slow in coming, and it took a disaster to bring it to pass. Compare: BRING ABOUT, COME TO PASS....
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