[out of sorts] {adj. phr.} In an angry or unhappy mood; in a badtemper; grouchy.
Mary was out of sorts and wouldn’t say goodmorning.
Bob was out of sorts because he didn’t get a bicycle forhis birthday.
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- Значение идиомы clear the air[clear the air] {v. phr.} To remove angry feelings, misunderstanding, or confusion. The President’s statement that he would run for office again cleared the air of rumors and guessing. When Bill was angry at Bob, Bob made a joke, and it cleared the air between them....
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- Значение идиомы pin down[pin down] {v.} 1a. To keep from moving; make stay in aplace or position; trap. Mr. Jones’ leg was pinned down under thecar after the accident. The soldier was pinned down in the holebecause rifle bullets were flying over his head. 1b. To keep from changing what says or means; make admitthe truth; make agree ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы out of sorts