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Значение идиомы opposite number
[opposite number] {n. phr.} A person occupying the same position assomeone in a different group, organization, or country.
Theopposite number of the President of the United States in Germany isthe Chancellor of the Federal Republic.
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- The US CongressThe Congress of the United States is composed of two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives. The Senate represents the states. Each state is granted at least one representative in the House. The remainder are apportioned among the states according to their population. The Senate of US is composed of one hundred members […]...
- Английские интернет-сокращенияLOL (lots of love / laugh out loud) – Много любви/ громко смеяться x (a kiss!) – Поцелуй omg (Oh, my God!) – о Боже! YW (You’re welcome) – пожалуйста NP (No problem) – не за что XOXO – целую-обнимаю brb (be right back) – я мигом, скоро буду CYO (see you on-line) – увидимся […]...
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