[on edge] {adj. phr.} Excited or nervous; impatient.
Themagician kept the children on edge all through his show.
We wereall on edge as we listened to the TV for news of the electionresults.
Father was on edge after driving home through the heavyholiday traffic.
Art in our life текст.
The british are enthusiastic about mobility с ответами.
Related topics:
- Значение идиомы set one’s teeth on edge[set one’s teeth on edge] {v. phr.} 1. To have a sharp sour tastethat makes you rub your teeth together. The lemon juice set myteeth on edge. 2. To make one feel nervous or annoyed. She looksso mean that her face sets my teeth on edge....
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- Значение идиомы the edge[the edge] {n.}, {informal} The advantage. — Usually used in thephrases «get the edge on», «have the edge on». In the last quarterof the game, our team got the edge on the other team and kept it. Mary has the edge on Jane in the beauty contest....
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- Sister Mary burst into the office of the principalSister Mary burst into the office of the principal of Our Lady of Perpetual Motion parochial school in an advanced state of agitation. «Father!» she cried, «just WAIT until you hear this!» The priest led the sister to a chair, and said, » Now just calm down and tell me what has you so excited?» ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы push the panic button[push the panic button] {v. phr.}, {slang} To become very muchfrightened; nervous or excited, especially at a time of danger orworry. John thought he saw a ghost and pushed the panic button. Keep cool; don’t hit the panic button! Syn.: LOSE ONE’S HEAD....
- Значение идиомы cut off[cut off] {v.} 1. To separate or block. The flood cut the townspeople off from the rest of the world. The woods cut off the view. His rudeness cuts him off from friends he might have. 2. To interrupt or stop. The television show was cut off by a special news report. We were told ... Читать далее...
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- British and American families — Британские и американские семьиBritish and American families are small. In fact the populations of both Britain and the USA have stopped growing. The typical family has a father, mother and two children. Grandparents come to visit, but do not usually live with their children. Most people get married between the ages of 20 and 23 but many marriages ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы Nervous Nellie[Nervous Nellie] {n.}, {informal} A timid person who lacksdetermination and courage. I say we will never win if we don’t stopbeing Nervous Nellies!...
- Значение идиомы wind up[wind up] {v.} 1. To tighten the spring of a machine; to make itwork or run. Mary wound up the toy car and let it run across theroom. He doesn’t have to wind up his watch because it is run by abattery. 2. To make very excited, nervous, upset. — Usually used inthe past participle. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы variety show[variety show] {n.} A program that includes several different kindsof entertainment. Jane’s father was the master of ceremonies of a variety show on TV....
- Значение идиомы walk on air[walk on air] {v. phr.}, {informal} To feel happy and excited. Sue has been walking on air since she won the prize. His father’scompliment left Jed walking on air. Compare: ON CLOUD NINE, ON TOP OFTHE WORLD....
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- It just kills my appetiteA woman asks her husband if he’d like some breakfast. «Would you like bacon and eggs, perhaps? A slice of toast? Grapefruit and coffee to follow?» she asks. He declines. «It’s this Viagra,» he says, «It’s really taken the edge off my appetite.» At lunchtime, she asks if he would like something. «A bowl of ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get the brush-off[get the brush-off] {v. phr.}, {slang} 1. To be paid no attention;not be listened to or thought important. My idea for a party gotthe brush-off from the other children. 2. To be treated in an unkindor unfriendly way; be ignored. Frank and Jane had an argument, sothe next time he telephoned her, he got the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы get on one’s nerves[get on one’s nerves] {v. phr.} To make you nervous. John’snoisy eating habits get on your nerves. Children get on theirparents’ nerves by asking so many questions....
Значение идиомы on edge