[make a stand] {v. phr.} 1. To take a firm position on an issue.
He keeps talking about politics hut he never makes a stand for whathe believes in.
2. To take up a defensive position against the enemy.
The retreating troops decided to make a stand by the river.
Английский в метро москвы.
Любимый магазин на английском.
Related topics:
- Значение идиомы leg to stand on[leg to stand on] {n. phr.} A firm foundation of facts; facts tosupport your claim. — Usually used in the negative. Jerry’sanswering speech left his opponent without a leg to stand on. Amossued for damages, but did not have a leg to stand on....
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- Значение идиомы stand over[stand over] {v.} 1. To watch closely; keep checking all the time. Ted’s mother had to stand over him to get him to do his homework. 2. To be held over for later action; be postponed; wait. Thecommittee decided to let the proposal stand over until its nextmeeting....
- Значение идиомы stand up for[stand up for] or {informal} [stick up for] {v.} To defend againstattack; fight for. John always stands up for his rights. WhenMary was being criticized, Jane stuck up for her. Compare: BACK UP, GO TO BAT FOR, STAND BY, STAND ONE’S GROUND, STICK TO ONE’S GUNS, GOTO BAT FOR....
- Значение идиомы stand on one’s own feet[stand on one’s own feet] or [stand on one’s own two feet] {v. phr.} To depend on yourself; do things yourself; earn your own living;be independent. After his father died, John had to stand on his ownfeet and earn his own living. You should learn to stand on yourown two feet....
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- Значение идиомы stand for[stand for] {v.} 1. To be a sign of; make you think of; mean. The letters «U. S. A.» stand for «United States of America.» Thewritten sign «=» in an arithmetic problem stands for «equals.» Ourflag stands for our country. The owl stands for wisdom. 2. Tospeak in favor of something, or show that you ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы nobody’s fool[nobody’s fool] {n. phr.} A smart person; a person who knows whathe is doing; a person who can take care of himself. In theclassroom and on the football field, Henry was nobody’s fool. Contrast: BORN YESTERDAY....
- Значение идиомы talk out of[talk out of] {v.} 1. To persuade not to; make agree or decide notto. — Used with a verbal noun. Mary’s mother talked her out ofquitting school. Contrast: TALK INTO. 2. To allow to go or get out bytalking; let escape by talking. Johnny is good at talking his wayout of trouble. Contrast: TALK INTO....
- Значение идиомы sell down the river[sell down the river] {v. phr.} To give harmful information aboutsomeone or something to one’s enemies; betray. The traitor sold hiscountry down the river to the enemy army. The criminal told thehiding place of his companions and sold them down the river. Compare:SELL OUT....
- Значение идиомы close in[close in] {v.} To come in nearer from all sides. We wanted the boat to reach shore before the fog closed in. — Often used with «on». The troops were closing in on the enemy....
- Значение идиомы stand in awe of[stand in awe of] {v. phr.} To look upon with wonder; feel veryrespectful to. Janet always stands in awe of the superintendent. The soldier stood in awe to his officers....
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Значение идиомы make a stand