[litterbug] {n.}, {slang}, {informal} A person who leaves garbagein a public place, such as a park or beach or a street; one wholitters.
Don’t be a litterbug; keep the city clean!
Topic holidays in britain.
Culture топик по английскому.
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- Значение идиомы give to understand[give to understand] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To make a personthink that something is true but not tell him; suggest; hint. Mr. Johnson gave Billy to understand that he would pay him if he helpedhim clean the yard. 2. To make a person understand by telling himvery plainly or boldly. Frank was given to understand ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы clean-up[clean-up] {n.} 1. An act of removing all the dirt from a given set of objects. What this filthy room needs is an honest clean-up. 2. The elimination of pockets of resistance during warfare or a police raid. The FBI conducted a clean-up against the drug pushers in our district....
Значение идиомы litterbug