[like hell] {adv.}, {slang}, {vulgar}, {avoidable} 1. With greatvigor.
As soon as they saw the cops, they ran like hell.
2.{interj.} Not so; untrue; indicates the speaker’s lack of belief inwhat he heard.
Like hell you’re gonna bring me my dough!
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- A fellow dies, goes to hell, and is surprised whenA fellow dies, goes to hell, and is surprised when confronted by a room full of beautiful blondes and kegs of beer. He asks a nearby demon if this is really hell, and what was so bad about the place. «Well,» said the demon, «the kegs all have holes in the bottoms, and the blondes ... Читать далее...
- Диалог на английском языке с переводом «He ran like hell»Luke Люк I’ve just heard the story of how a German tourist on the coast of Sumatra survived the great tsunami of 1883. Я только что услышал историю о том, как немецкий турист пережил огромное цунами на побережье Суматры в 1883 году. Naomi Наоми That’s incredible, because it was so huge. How did he do ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы like hell