[Indian summer] {n. phr.} A dry and warm period of time late in thefall, usually in October.
After the cold and foggy weather, we hada brief Indian summer, during which the temperature was up in the highseventies.
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- The Weather in England — Погода в Англии (1)The English say «Other countries have a climate, in England we have weather*. It happens because the weather changes more often than in other countries. British winters are mild and springs are cool because of the winds that blow from the Atlantic Ocean. They blow 2 days out of every 3. In spring sunshine and ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы foggy bottom[foggy bottom] {n.}, {slang} An area in downtown Washington, D. C. where many offices of the Department of State are located; hencefiguratively, the U. S. Department of State. The press secretarygave us a lot of foggy bottom double-talk about the hostage crisis inthe Near East....
- Essential and Optional ThingsElla: It’s so exciting that you’ll be spending a month studying in McQuillanland this summer. When do you start Packing? Marty: I’ve already started. The organizers of the program gave me a list of things I need to bring. Ella: That’s really helpful. Marty: Yeah. They say that it’s Essential that I bring both warm-weather ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы Indian summer