[in the wrong] {adj. phr.} With moral or legal right or truthagainst you; against justice, truth, or fact; wrong.
In attacking asmaller boy, Jack was plainly in the wrong.
Mary was in the wrongto drink from a finger bowl.
Since he had put pennies behind thefuses, Bill was in the wrong when fire broke out.
Compare: OUT OF THEWAY. Contrast: IN THE RIGHT.
Education in the united states of america текст 8 класс.
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- Диалог на английском языке с переводом «Don’t get me wrong»Marcie Марси Don’t get me wrong! I think Calvin is a very nice person, but you have to admit he isn’t very responsible. Не пойми меня неправильно! Я считаю Кельвина очень хорошим человеком, но признай, что он ведь безответственен. Teddy Тедди I think you are right, he has got a lot of growing up to ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы open question[open question] {n. phr.} A debatable issue. Whether assistedsuicide is legal and moral or not is still an open question, recentpublicity on the matter notwithstanding....
Значение идиомы in the wrong