[in the line of duty] {adj. phr.} Done or happening as part of ajob.
The policeman was shot in the line of duty.
The soldierhad to clean his rifle in the line of duty.
Перевод слова what.
My weekend is.
Related topics:
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- Значение идиомы line of fire[line of fire] {n. phr.} The path that something fired or throwntakes. When the bandit and the police began to shoot, John wasalmost in their line of fire. Compare: CROSS FIRE....
- Значение идиомы line up[line up] {v. phr.} 1. To take places in a line or formation; standside by side or one behind another; form a line or pattern. Theboys lined up and took turns diving off the springboard. Thefootball team lined up in a «T» formation. 2. To put in line. Johnlined up the pool balls. 3. To ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы in line, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: in line Перевод: в очереди Пример: We stood in line for three hours while waiting for the concert tickets. Мы простояли в очереди три часа, пока ждали билеты на концерт....
Значение идиомы in the line of duty