[in season] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. {literary} At the proper orbest time.
Fred’s father told him that he was not old enough yetbut that he would learn to drive in season.
2a. At the right orlawful time for hunting or catching.
Deer will be in season nextweek.
In spring we’ll go fishing when trout are in season.
2b. Atthe right time or condition for using, eating, or marketing; in a ripeor eatable condition.
Christmas trees will be sold at the store inseason.
Native tomatoes will be in season soon.
Oysters are inseason during the «R» months.
Compare: IN GOOD TIME. Contrast: OUT OFSEASON.
Сочинение мой любимый магазин на английском с переводом.
Food in ukraine.
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