[in reason] {adv. phr.}, {formal} Following the rules of reasoning;sensibly; reasonably.
One cannot in reason doubt that freedom isbetter than slavery.
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- Значение идиомы see reason[see reason] {v. phr.} To think or act sensibly, especially afterrealizing what the facts are on a certain matter and accepting adviceabout it. He finally saw reason and reshaped his sales strategy bylowering the prices as his older brother had suggested....
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- Blake William — Уильям БлэйкWilliam Blake, English poet, painter and printer, was born on November 28, 1757. You may have read his poems — about the lamb, the tiger, or his sad song about the poor chimney sweep. The strange thing is that in his own time many people thought him mad. Almost a century passed after his death ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы call in question[call in question] or [call into question] or [call in doubt] {v. phr.} To say may be a mistake; express doubt about; question. Bill called in question Ed’s remark that basketball is safer than football....
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- Freedom of the PressFreedom of the press. Speak on freedom of the press, its basic principles and criteria and its status in major countries. The topic presented to you today is devoted to the problem of the freedom of the press. In my speech I am to dwell upon the following points: — Firstly, I am to give ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы ground rule[ground rule] {n.} 1. A rule in sports that is made especially forthe grounds or place where a game is played. — Usually used in theplural. There was such a big crowd at the baseball game, that theground rules of the field were changed in case a ball went into thecrowd. 2. A rule, usually ... Читать далее...
- A reason for break-up«What’s this I hear about you breaking off your engagement Pam?» said her closest friend. «Well,» Pam confirmed, «although his diamond was of pretty good quality, his mounting left a lot to be desired.»...
- The reason for runningA police officer attempts to stop a car for speeding and the guy gradually increases his speed until he’s topping 100 mph. He eventually realizes he can’t escape and finally pulls over. The cop approaches the car and says, «It’s been a long day and my tour is almost over, so if you can give ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы rough-and-tumble[rough-and-tumble] 1. {n.} Very rough, hard fighting or arguingthat does not follow any rules. There was a rough-and-tumble on thestreet last night between some soldiers and sailors. Many peopledon’t like the rough-and-tumble of politics. 2. {adj.} Fighting orarguing in a very rough and reckless way; struggling hard; notfollowing rules or laws. It took strong men ... Читать далее...
- Some Chimps Are Putting Grass in Their Ears For No Particular ReasonSome chimp are creating their own «ear accoutrements,» perhaps the animal equivalent of a fashion statement. It all started with a Zambian chimpanzee named Julie in 2010. Julie stuck a piece of grass into her ear, and left it there. And she would do it over and over again. But why? To save it for ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы very well[very well] {interj.}, {formal} Agreed; all right. — Used to showagreement or approval. Very well. You may go. Very well, I willdo as you say. Compare: ALL RIGHT....
- Значение идиомы for as much as[for as much as] {conj.}, {formal} Because; since. For as muchas the senator is eighty years old, we feel he should not run forreelection. Syn.: INASMUCH AS....
- Значение идиомы come to nothing[come to nothing] also {formal} [come to naught] {v. phr.} To end in failure; fail; be in vain. The dog’s attempts to climb the tree after the cat came to nothing....
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- Abraham LincolnLincoln was one of the most famous presidents of the USA. He was born in the family of a poor farmer in 1809 in Kentucky, but soon his family left for the wild forestland of Indiana. He was taught reading, writing and simple arithmetic, as his family could not afford better education. When he was ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы in reason