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Значение идиомы in one’s glory
[in one’s glory] {adj. phr.} Pleased and contented with yourself.
When John won the race, he was in his glory.
Tom is very vain, and praise puts him in his glory.





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- Значение идиомы how about that [how about that] or [what about that] {informal} An expression ofsurprise, congratulation, or praise. When Jack heard of hisbrother’s promotion, he exclaimed, “How about that!” Bill won thescholarship! What about that!...
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- Значение идиомы put out [put out] {v.} 1. To make a flame or light stop burning;extinguish; turn off. Please put the light out when you leave theroom. The firemen put out the blaze. 2. To prepare for thepublic; produce; make. For years he had put out a weeklynewspaper. It is a small restaurant, which puts out an excellentdinner. 3. […]...
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