[in a bad way] {adv. phr.}, {informal} In trouble or likely to havetrouble.
If you have only those two girls to help you, you are in abad way.
Jerry has written only one sentence of his term paperthat is due tomorrow, and he knows he is in a bad way.
Mrs. Joneshas cancer and is in a bad way.
A new supermarket opened acrossthe street, and the Peters’ grocery business was soon in a bad way.
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- Watching Daytime Talk ShowsSally: Why are wasting your time on your Day off watching these Daytime talk shows? Jerry: I think they’re entertaining. Sally: You’ve got to be kidding. The only people who are Booked as guests on those shows are Losers or Exhibitionists who want Attention. Jerry: No, they’re not. These shows are all about Human drama ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы in a bad way