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Значение идиомы have a go at
[have a go at] {v. phr.}, {informal} To try, especially afterothers have tried.
Bob asked Dick to let him have a go at shootingat the target with Dick’s rifle.
She had a go at archery, but didnot do very well.
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- Значение идиомы holy cats[holy cats] or [holy cow] or [holy mackerel] or [holy Moses]{interj.}, {informal} – Used to express strong feeling ; used in speech or when writingconversation. “Holy cats! That’s good pie!” said Dick. “Holycow! They can’t do that!” Mary said when she saw the boys hurting amuch smaller boy....
- Значение идиомы throw[throw] or [feed one to the wolves] {v. phr.} 1. To turn someoneinto a scapegoat. In order to explain the situation to the media, the governor blamed the mayor and threw him to the wolves. 2. To sendinto danger without protection. Mary was very shy. Her friends didnot come to speak before the club in […]...
- Значение идиомы lend a hand[lend a hand] or [give a hand] also [bear a hand] {v. phr.} To givehelp; make yourself useful; help. The stage manager asked some ofthe boys to lend a hand with the scenery. Dick saw a woman with aflat tire and offered to give her a hand with it. Compare: LIFT AFINGER....
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