[good day] {interj.} Hello or goodbye. — Used as a formal greetingor salute when you meet or leave someone during the day.
MissRogers said, «Good day!» when she met her friend on the street.
Mr. Lee said «Good day!» and left the office.
What do you do to keep fit топик.
Мой любимый месяц на английском.
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- Значение идиомы I’ll say[I’ll say] or [I tell you] {interj.}, {informal} I agree with thiscompletely. — Used for emphasis. Did the children all enjoy AuntSally’s pecan pie? I’ll say! I’ll say this is a good movie!...
- Значение идиомы what of it[what of it] or [what about it] {interj.}, {informal} What is wrongwith it; what do you care. Martha said «That boy is wearing a greencoat.» Jan answered, «What of it?» «John missed the bus.» «What ofit?» Syn.: SO WHAT....
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- Значение идиомы back street[back street] {n.} A street not near the main streets or from which it is hard to get to a main street. We got lost in the back streets going through the city and it took us a half hour to find our way again. Compare: SIDE STREET....
- Значение идиомы gee whiz[gee whiz] {interj.}, {informal} Used as an exclamation to showsurprise or other strong feeling. Rare in written English. Geewhiz! I am late again....
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- Значение идиомы yoo-hoo[yoo-hoo] {interj.} — Used as an informal call or shout to a personto attract his attention. Louise opened the door and called»Yoo-hoo, Mother — are you home?» See: ALL RIGHT FOR YOU, I’M TELLINGYOU, SAYS WHO or SAYS YOU, THAT’S — FOR YOU, WHAT HAVE YOU....
Значение идиомы good day