[get away with] {v.}, {informal} To do without being caught or punished.
Some students get away withoutdoing their homework.
See: GET BY.
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Related topics:
- Значение идиомы get away with murder[get away with murder] {v. phr.}, {informal} To do something verybad without being caught or punished. John is scolded if he is latewith his homework, but Robert gets away with murder. Mrs. Smithlets her children get away with murder....
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- Значение идиомы get by[get by] {v.}, {informal} 1. To be able to go past; pass. Thecars moved to the curb so that the fire engine could get by. 2. Tosatisfy the need or demand. Mary can get by with her old coat thiswinter. The janitor does just enough work to get by. Syn.: GETALONG. 3. Not to be ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы catch up[catch up] {v.} 1. To take or pick up suddenly; grab. She caught up the book from the table and ran out of the room. 2. To capture or trap in a situation; concern or interest very much. — Usually used in the passive with «in». The Smith family was caught up in the war ... Читать далее...
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- Перевод идиомы catch someone off guard, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: catch someone off guard Перевод: застать кого-либо врасплох Пример: I was caught off guard when the teacher asked me about my homework. Учитель застал меня врасплох, когда спросил о домашнем задании....
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- Значение идиомы catch fire[catch fire] {v. phr.} 1. To begin to burn. When he dropped a match in the leaves, they caught fire. 2. To become excited. The audience caught fire at the speaker’s words and began to cheer. His imagination caught fire as he read....
- Значение идиомы in circulation[in circulation] or [into circulation] {adj. phr.}, {informal}Going around and doing things as usual; joining what others are doing, John broke his leg and was out of school for several weeks, but nowhe is back in circulation again. Mary’s mother punished her bystopping her from dating for two weeks, but then she got hack intocirculation. ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы catch cold[catch cold] {v. phr.} 1. or [take cold] To get a common cold-weather sickness that causes a running nose, sneezing, and sometimes sore throat and fever or other symptoms. Don’t get your feet wet or you’ll catch cold. 2. {informal} To catch unprepared or not ready for a question or unexpected happening. I had not ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы had better[had better] or [had best] {informal} Should; must. I had betterleave now, or I’ll be late. If you want to stay out of trouble, you had best not make any mistakes. Jim decided he had better dohis homework instead of playing ball....
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- Перевод слова homeworkHomework — домашнее задание; надомная работа Перевод слова To do homework — учить уроки to beaver away at one’s homework — делать уроки algebra homework — домашнее задание по алгебре His wife tries to eke out their scanty income by Homework. Его жена пытается пополнить их скудные доходы надомной работой. Did you finish your Homework? ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы caught flat-footed / caught flatfooted, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: caught flat-footed / caught flatfooted Перевод: застать врасплох Пример: The reporter’s question caught the President flat-footed. Вопрос репортера застал президента врасплох....
- Значение идиомы take for granted[take for granted] {v. phr.} 1. To suppose or understand to betrue. Mr. Harper took for granted that the invitation included hiswife. A teacher cannot take it for granted that students always dotheir homework. Compare: BEG THE QUESTION. 2. To accept or becomeused to without noticing especially or saying anything. George took for granted all ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы under one’s own steam[under one’s own steam] {adv. phr.}, {informal} By one’s ownefforts; without help. The boys got to Boston under their own steamand took a bus the rest of the way. We didn’t think he could doit, but Bobby finished his homework under his own steam....
- Значение идиомы bawl out[bawl out] {v.}, {informal} To reprove in a loud or rough voice; rebuke sharply; scold. The teacher bawled us out for not handing in our homework. Compare: HAUL OVER THE COALS, LIGHT INTO, TELL A THING OR TWO....
- Значение идиомы mixed up[mixed up] {adj. phr.}, {informal} Confused in mind; puzzled. Bob was all mixed up after the accident. Compare: BALL UP. 2.Disordered; disarranged; not neat. The papers on his desk weremixed up. 3. {informal} Joined or connected. Harry was mixed up in a fight after the game. Mary’s father told her not to get mixed up ... Читать далее...
- Перевод идиомы hold one’s end of the bargain up / hold one’s end of the deal, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: hold one’s end of the bargain up / hold one’s end of the deal Перевод: сдержать, выполнить свою часть сделки Пример: The students did not hold their end of the bargain up when they did not do their homework. Ученики не выполнили свою обязанность и не сделали домашнего задания....
- Перевод идиомы time and time again, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: time and time again Перевод: много раз, снова и снова Пример: The teacher told the students time and time again that they must do their homework. Учитель все снова и снова говорил ученикам, что они должны выполнять свои домашние задания....
- Значение идиомы below the belt[below the belt] {adv. phr.} 1. In the stomach; lower than is legal in boxing. He struck the other boy below the belt. 2. {informal} In an unfair or cowardly way; against the rules of sportsmanship or justice; unsportingly; wrongly. It was hitting below the belt for Mr. Jones’s rival to tell people about a ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы throw the book at[throw the book at] {v. phr.}, {informal} To give the most severepenalty to for breaking the law or rules. Because it wasthe third time he had been caught speeding that month, the judge threwthe book at him....
- HomeworkВ топике Домашнее задание автор приводит аргументы «за и против» слишком больших по объему домашних заданий. Конечно, чем больше учиться и повторять материал, тем легче будет поступить в ВУЗ. Но, проводя много времени, выполняя домашнее задание, можно потерять в общении с друзьями, испортить зрение и т. п. Вывод: объем домашнего задания должен быть оптимальным, за ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы harum-scarum[harum-scarum ] {adv.}, {informal} In a careless, disorderly orreckless way. Jim does his homework harum-scarum, and that is whyhis schoolwork is so poor....
- Значение идиомы pack off[pack off] {v.}, {informal} To send away; dismiss abruptly. Whenan Englishman got in trouble long ago, his family would pack him offto Australia or some other distant land. Jane couldn’t really getstarted on her homework until she had packed the children off toschool....
Значение идиомы get away with