[free-for-all] {n.} 1. Unlimited, free access to somethingeverybody wants.
The Smith’s party was a lavish free-for-all;everybody could eat and drink as much as they wanted.
2. A barroom, tavern, or street fight in which everybody participates.
Thecelebration after the soccer game victory turned into anuncontrollable free-for-all.
The bolshoi theatre is one of.
School rules.
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- Limiting Free SpeechToshi: You can’t go outside looking like that! What are you thinking? Celeste: I’m Exercising my Right of free speech. I’ve put on these clothes and painted my body this way to protest the treatment of women. I want to send a message. Toshi: You’re crazy if you think people are going To take you ... Читать далее...
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- Mass brawl in Tunbridge Wells over the last bag of nutsNothing much usually happens in workings menâs clubs. The odd raised voice over a game of dominoes, perhaps. Maybe a shout of glee at a bull check-out at darts. That is until the last packet of dry roasted peanuts is up for grabs. Then, things can get a bit, erm, tasty. A heated row between ... Читать далее...
- This Is Why We Call It’Soccer,’ Not’Football’As the FIFA World Cup kicks off in Brazil this week, fans of the globe’s most popular sport have been tuning in to watch the greatest names in the game square off. But one question continues to crop up: Why is it that Americans insist on calling the sport «soccer,» while the rest of the ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы run for one’s money[run for one’s money] {n. phr.} 1. A good fight; a hard struggle. — Usually used with «give» or «get». Our team didn’t win the game, but they gave the other team a run for their money. 2. Satisfaction;interest; excitement. — Usually used with «give» or «get». Peoplelike to watch the champion fight because they ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы free-for-all