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Значение идиомы feel the pinch
[feel the pinch] {v. phr.} To be short of money; experiencemonetary difficulties.
If we are going to have a recession, everybody will feel the pinch.
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- Перевод идиомы feel something in one’s bones / know something in one’s bones, значение выражения и пример использованияИдиома: feel something in one’s bones / know something in one’s bones Перевод: интуитивно чувствовать что-либо, предчувствовать что-либо Пример: I feel it in my bones that I will win the lottery this month. У меня такое чувство, что в этом месяце я выиграю лотерею....
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- Значение идиомы feel out[feel out] {v.} To talk or act carefully with someone and find whathe thinks or can do. The pupils felt out the principal about aparty after the game. John felt out his father about letting himhave the car that evening. At first the boxers felt each otherout. Compare: SOUND OUT....
- Значение идиомы feel out of place[feel out of place] {v. phr.} To experience the sensation of notbelonging in a certain place or company. Dave felt out of placeamong all those chess players as he knows nothing about chess....
- Значение идиомы short of[short of ] {adj. phr.} 1. Less or worse than. Don’t doanything short of your best. 2. Not having enough. We did not buyanything because we were short of money. The girls were asked towait on tables because the kitchen was short of help....
- Фразовый глагол feel up to – перевод и значение, пример использованияФразовый глагол: feel up to Перевод: быть в состоянии Пример: I don’t feel up to going out tonight because I had a long day at work. Я сегодня вечером не смогу пойти погулять, у меня был долгий день на работе....
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