Home ⇒ 📌Английские идиомы ⇒ Значение идиомы feel for someone
Значение идиомы feel for someone
[feel for someone] {v. phr.}, {informal} To be able to sympathizewith someone’s problems.
I can really feel for you, John, forlosing your job.
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- Значение идиомы throw up[throw up] {v.} 1. {informal} or {slang} [heave up]. To vomit. The heat made him feel sick and he thought he would throw up. Hetook the medicine but threw it up a minute later. 2. {informal} Toquit; leave; let go; give up. When she broke their engagement hethrew up his job and left town. 3. […]...
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- Значение идиомы up a tree[up a tree] {adv.} or {adj. phr.} 1. Hunted or chased into a tree;treed. The dog drove the coon up a tree so the hunter could shoothim. 2. {informal} in trouble; having problems; in a difficulty thatit is hard to escape or think of a way out of. John’s father hashim up a tree in […]...
- Фразовый глагол feel up – перевод и значение, пример использованияФразовый глагол: feel up Перевод: лапать, приставать (в сексуальном плане) Пример: She sued her boss for sexual harassment after he felt her up. Она подала на своего начальника в суд за то, что он приставал к ней....
- Значение идиомы open up[open up] {v.} 1. To show for the first time; make clear; reveal. The story of Helen Keller’s life opened up a whole new world toMary. Einstein’s theories opened up a whole new area for study. 2. To make available; present an opportunity; offer. The buildingof the railroad opened up new lands to the pioneers. […]...
- Значение идиомы quick on the trigger[quick on the trigger] or [trigger happy] {adj. phr.} Ready toshoot without warning; fast with a gun. He’s a dangerous criminalquick on the trigger. 2. {informal} Fast at answering questions orsolving problems. In class discussions John is always quick on thetrigger....
- Значение идиомы be my guest[be my guest] {v. phr.} Feel free to use what I have; help yourself. When Suzie asked if she could borrow John’s bicycle, John said, “Be my guest.”...
- Значение идиомы strike it rich[strike it rich] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To discover oil, or alarge vein of minerals to be mined, or a buried treasure. The oldprospector panned gold for years before he struck it rich. 2. Tobecome rich or successful suddenly or without expecting to. Everyone wanted to buy one of the new gadgets, and their inventorstruck […]...
- Значение идиомы look like a million dollars[look like a million dollars] {v. phr.}, {informal} To look welland prosperous; appear healthy and happy and lucky; look pretty andattractive. John came back from Florida driving a fine new car, tanned and glowing with health. He looked like a million dollars. Dressed in the new formal and in a new hairdo, Betty looked like […]...
- Значение идиомы take the starch out of[take the starch out of] {v. phr.}, {informal} 1. To make feel weak or tired. The hot weather took the starch out of Mrs. Jones, and she didn’t feel like doing a thing. The cross-countryrun took all the starch out of the boys. 2. See: TAKE THE WIND OUT OFONE’S SAILS....