[do the trick] {v. phr.}, {informal} To bring success in doing something; have a desired result.
Jim was not passing in English, but he studied harder and that did the trick.
The car wheels slipped on the ice, so Tom put sand under them, which did the trick.
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- Значение идиомы in passing[in passing] {adv. phr.} While talking about that subject; as extrainformation; also. Our teacher showed us different kinds of flowersand told us in passing that those flowers came from her garden. The writer of the story says he grew up in New York and mentions inpassing that his parents came from Italy. Compare: BY THE ... Читать далее...
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- Значение идиомы get around[get around] {v.} 1a. To go to different places; move about. Mary’s father really gets around; Monday he was in Washington;Wednesday he was in Chicago; and today he is in New York. Fredbroke his leg, but he is able to get about on crutches. 1b. or [getabout] To become widely known especially by being talked ... Читать далее...
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Значение идиомы do the trick