[dare say] {v. phr.} To think probable; suppose; believe. — Used in first person.
Mary is unhappy now but I dare say she will be laughing about this tomorrow.
There is no more ice cream on the table, but I dare say we can find some in the kitchen.
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- Значение идиомы cold shoulder[cold shoulder] {n.}, {informal} Unfriendly treatment of a person, a showing of dislike for a person or of looking down on a person. — Used in the cliches «give the cold shoulder» or «turn a cold shoulder to» or «get the cold shoulder». When Bob asked Mary for a date she gave him the cold ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы straight face[straight face] {n.} A face that is not laughing or smiling. Mary told all the funny stories she knew to try to make Joan laugh, but Joan kept a straight face. It is hard to tell when Jim isteasing you. He can tell a fib with a straight face. When Bob fellinto the water, he ... Читать далее...
- Значение идиомы odds-on[odds-on] {adj.}, {informal} Almost certain; almost sure; probable. Ed is the odds-on choice for class president, because he has goodsense and good humor....
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- Значение идиомы steal one’s thunder[steal one’s thunder] {v. phr.} To do or say something, intentionally or not, that another person has planned to say or do. Fred intended to nominate Bill for president, but John got up firstand stole Fred’s thunder. Mary was going to sing «Oh! Susanna,»but Ellen did it first and Mary said Ellen had stolen her ... Читать далее...
Значение идиомы dare say